Show Notes

If you want to make more money in 2023 and beyond, you have to get more regimented on the phone. In this episode of the HyperFast Agent podcast, host Dan Lesniak helps you to come up with a system and a schedule, as he outlines five groups of people you should be calling within that weekly routine. They include circle prospecting (or geo-calling), expireds and withdrawns, past clients, new leads, and current clients. Listen for more details on strategies to approach each of these groups in a unique way. If you are organizing your week hitting these five lists and putting in the time on the phone – consistently each week and each month – then you should expect to get great results over time.

Join Host Dan Lesniak as he discusses…

∙ Building relationships through circle prospecting, or geo-calling by keeping those in a specific neighborhood informed.

∙ Why calling past clients are a great way to get leads and referrals.

∙ The importance of calling new leads as soon as they come in and having a system to do it.

∙ Why putting time in on the phone consistently each week will pay off and should never be neglected.


💬 “You should be calling the same time, every day, right, just just so that it becomes a habit, it becomes a muscle, right, just like you know, a new workout and you diet.” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “This really is just like an icebreaker, it's a way to start the conversation…” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “Because past clients are going to be a way to get repeat customers and referrals.” - Dan Lesniak

💬 “If you do this consistently, your business is going to grow by double digit percentages each and every year.” - Dan Lesniak

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