In this episode of The Hyperfast Agent Podcast, hosts Dan Lesniak and Keri Shull present at The HyperFast Sales Summit, sharing 8 strategies to grow your business, no matter what the market is doing. Listen in to hear why now is the time to pivot your strategies, not pause them.
Episode Highlights:
- Coronavirus has put a large decision in front of all business owners, whether to pivot or pause their business.
- Dan and Keri were in different parts of the country when the country began to shut down.
- Keri could not find a hotel to stay in when she was trying to get back home to Dan.
- People’s reaction to the coronavirus shutdown reminded Dan of the reaction to 9/11.
- Keri and Dan had to rewrite the script for their ISAs to book appointments via Zoom or in-person.
- For many business owners, webinars and Zoom began to take the place of seminars and in-person meetings.
- Switching to Zoom appointments essentially eliminated the dropoff in Dan and Keri’s meeting numbers.
- Paying attention to the little things and making your processes more efficient will go a long way.
- Dan and Keri have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn from the best about content marketing.
- Catching a 5 am train to Tony Robbins’s event, Unleash The Power Within, was well worth the trouble.
- Even though Tony Robbins is not a real-estate specific coach, getting in the room with those people saw Dan and Keri’s income double in the next year.
- Since going to Tony Robbins’s event, Dan and Keri have attended a plethora of high-performance events.
- Keri prioritized following someone that had already done something that she wanted to do.
- The ability to quickly assess situations and take action is the best way to adapt and grow.
- Dan has had to make transitions in life that involve a lot of risks, especially during his time as a submariner in the military.
- The best time to figure out the best course shift for your business is not after tragedy strikes.
- Waiting for perfection will leave you stuck in the same place forever because it will never happen.
- It’s important to analyze and study the numbers all the time because you never know when the change is going to come.
- Your hopes and dreams sit just outside of your comfort zone, so become comfortable with being uncomfortable.
- Keri has learned, the difficult way, that this business is about giving back to others and nothing can be taken personally.
- The most successful people in the world have been willing to fail more than everyone else.
- People in your life help you solve problems, so try to focus on the “who” instead of the “how”.
- Being told that he couldn’t sell gave Dan the motivation to become successful in the real estate game.
- Most agents hit a limit depending on a multitude of factors, but you can’t let yourself stay in that place.
- Get very clear on where your time goes each week and figure out what tasks you can delegate.
- When growing your team, it’s going to take more work upfront but prioritizing long-term results will get you there.
- Segmentation, targeting, and positioning are the keys to get maximum leverage in your area.
- Handling the stressors of business and life at the same time can be made easier by setting your ideal schedule.
- Learn from those that have thrived when the market was in different states, even if it’s not in your industry.
- You can do it all to a point, but if you want to scale, get out of your own way.
3 Key Points:
- After years of holding face-to-face appointments, Dan and Keri were hesitant to switch to Zoom, but they knew they had to.
- Deciding to take the financial risks that come with going to high-level coaching events ultimately put Dan and Keri in the right rooms and saw their income skyrocket.
- The most successful people in the world are not afraid to get uncomfortable because they know that the more they fail, the closer to their dreams they will get.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “No matter what the market is doing, transactions are always happening. Buyers need to buy homes every day. Sellers need to sell homes every day.” - Dan Lesniak
- “We actually decided to grow the team. We did not cut back on marketing.” - Dan Lesniak
- “Sometimes to put yourself in the right room, there’s risk.” - Keri Shull
- “I couldn’t have a mentor who I didn’t also value the life they had because it wouldn’t make sense to me.” - Keri Shull
- “If you’re always feeling safe and comfortable, there’s nothing changing in your life...When you push past the fear, that’s where you start to learn, that’s where you start to grow.” - Dan Lesniak
- “Scale is always about having the right people.” - Keri Shull
Resources Mentioned: