Show Notes

Are you on social media because you want to post selfies? Or do you want to do deals and change lives? 

On this episode of The HyperFast Agent Podcast, Deevo Tindall and Lisa Staff of creative content agency Sprout Connector join host Dan Lesniak to discuss…

• The big shift that Deevo predicts will take over social media in the next year (you can start now to get ahead)

• Why being brutally honest and talking about your toughest days on social media can be a smart strategy

• Why your follower count doesn’t matter like it did – and how to build relationships that actually matter on social media

• How Sprout Connector helps plan content that documents the lives of executives and attracts ideal clients

…And more!


💬 “When you do something really well, you don’t realize that it is your superpower.” – Lisa Staff on discovering your winning difference

💬 “You feel like you should know how to do everything… and it’s impossible.” – Lisa Staff on building a team and getting your business to the next level

💬 “Are you going to be on social media because you want to put narcissistic selfies up? Or do you actually have a purpose behind that?” – Deevo Tindall on creating value and solving problems for people on social media


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