David Meltzer is a speaker, author, and entrepreneur who is on a mission to empower others to make money – and have fun while doing it.
Join David Meltzer and host Dan Lesniak as they discuss:
∙ Why some agents are thriving in this market while others struggle
∙ David’s 5 daily practices and 4 values for success
∙ How to make an outsized impact – without ever overworking yourself
Make sure you listen all the way to the end to hear David Meltzer’s best advice to new real estate agents and experienced real estate pros.
💬 Ask for help… you can’t ask big enough and you can’t ask often enough. – David Meltzer
💬 By elevating others, you will elevate yourself. – David Meltzer
💬 I was quite capable of losing everything – and that’s why I made it back. – David Meltzer
🔗 David Meltzer’s website https://dmeltzer.com
🎙The Playbook Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-playbook/id1271087930