Show Notes

During this episode of the HyperFast Agent Podcast, host Dan Lesniak speaks with Dustin Brown, ISA Manager for the Keri Shull Team. Dustin shares how the inside sales team has adopted video calls to continue booking a high number of appointments during the coronavirus pandemic. This episode will highlight the importance of pivoting to find opportunities during this time. 

Episode Highlights: 

  • Dustin Brown started his real estate career with the Keri Shull team after working several call-based sales jobs.
  • 90% of their calls are made to warm leads. Warm prospecting is an essential piece of the team’s business.
  • They call from lists of people who have inquired. They begin with an intro and people usually remember that they inquired.
  • They dial 200-400 numbers per day depending on the list. Usually, that amounts to about 30-40 live calls. They book between 5-8 appointments per day depending on the list.
  • Pre-corona the average ISA on the team was booking 10-15 appointments per week.
  • In normal times, agents usually meet with clients in their homes. They might also meet at the office or in a coffee shop. They book phone consultations for out-of-town buyers.
  • Lockdown began around March 15th in the DC area. They put out a video about how to train their agents on Zoom immediately.
  • They're using Zoom as a backup tool and treat it like a regular appointment.
  • They've booked about 140 Zoom calls since March 15th.
  • Dan and Dustin go through the numbers showing how video calls have allowed them to keep booking a high number of appointments.
  • Don’t pause right now. Pivot.
  • On calls, the inside sales agents offer in-person meetings upfront. They let clients know they're offering virtual meetings. Dustin asks which option they would prefer.
  • A lot of people think the whole world has stopped. When people say they want to wait to see what happens to the market, Dustin tells them how they've been doing business.
  • If other buyers are waiting now, that means there are opportunities now.
  • Some people are scared to leave their houses. You can overcome that objection with a video call.
  • Have good stats on hand to show leads that the market is still moving.
  • There are people that have been affected financially by the pandemic. That creates a different challenge.
  • Dustin tells people what they can expect as an ISA on the Keri Shull Team.
  • Inside sales jobs on the team are for people who want to make six figures but don’t want to show clients homes on weekends and evenings, or respond to offers at any hour.

3 Key Points:

1.   Adopting video calls early has allowed the team to continue booking a high number of appointments.

2.   When people are afraid to leave their homes, video calls can overcome that objection.

3.   Don’t pause in your business right now. Find ways to adapt and pivot.

Tweetable Quotes:

  • “Warm prospecting and having it be a central part of your business I think is really what's led to the success of the team.” – Dan Lesniak
  • “When we get a scenario where we need to book a video call, we treat it just like a regular appointment.” – Dustin Brown
  • “Appointments really are a 3-6 month indicator of what is going to come.” – Dan Lesniak
  • “You don't have to pause your business, you have to pivot how you do your business.” – Dan Lesniak
  • “Have some good stats to show them things are still moving.” – Dan Lesniak

Resources Mentioned:

Dustin Brown bio