Show Notes

During Episode 60 of The HyperFast Agent Podcast, host Keri Shull speaks with Travis Thom, a brilliant marketing strategist who specializes in helping agents master Facebook ads. Thom shares the five pillars of a successful re-targeting campaign. Don’t miss this exceptional information about how to advertise your business online.

Episode Highlights:

  • Travis Thom began knocking doors at 19, but spent years closing very few deals because he didn’t know how to sell.
  • When Thom found a way to position himself as an authority, he began to enjoy success.
  • He put out 5,000 guides for a very specific niche, ran some ads, did some email campaigns, and linked back to a website that listed homes that qualified for the program highlighted in his guide. Leads came in.
  • Eventually, Thom sold his brokerages and started an advertising program around providing value and running successful Facebook ads.
  • The consumer gathers information before they talk to you as an agent.
  • Create campaigns that provide value at the top of the funnel, then target those leads in a push along the funnel.
  • BURST= Brand story, Untapped Opportunity, Reciprocity, Social Proof, Trust.
  • BURST describes five pillars you should implement into any of your retargeting campaigns.
  • Position yourself as the authority in your market.
  • Prime them and remind them.
  • When creating a brand story, give background information about the company, tell its founding story, or introduce team members.
  • The next ad you would run covers the untapped opportunity. An example of this is something the average consumer doesn’t know about or doesn’t know they have access to.
  • Reciprocity means giving them an item of value. This can be something they can read such as a blog post. Provide the solution to a problem they have.
  • In the social proof segment, you can use testimonials, raving fans, and case studies.
  • At the end of this funnel, you’ve created trust.
  • Shull emphasizes that this strategy is not that hard to execute.
  • If you want help executing this strategy, Thom offers a coaching and training program with his top Facebook ad managers.
  • Messenger bots can help you automate things you’ve said many times and answer frequently asked questions.

3 Key Points:

  1.  Position yourself as an authority and find something to give people if you want to generate more leads.
  2.  Travis Thom’s BURST advertising strategy incorporates the following stages:Brand Story; Untold Story; Reciprocity; Social        Proof; Trust
  3.  When you’ve influenced every stage of the decision cycle, the lead has been indoctrinated.

Resources Mentioned: