Show Notes

Like so many real estate investors back in 2008, Rod was hit hard by the recession—a 50 million dollar setback. However, what was unphased by the housing market crash was Rod’s mindset, the very same thing that carried him to owning over 800 properties. Since that minor setback, a motivated mindset and experience in commercial multifamily properties have put Rod back to owning thousands of units and teaching others how to follow in his footsteps through a Multifamily Bootcamp and podcast. 

Join Rod Khleif and Host Dan Lesniak as they discuss…

∙ How real estate differs now compared to 2008 and how to prepare for a possible recession

∙ Advantages and disadvantages of investing in residential multifamily properties

∙ What to look for when assessing the value of a deal

...and much more!


💬 “You have to take action with what you learn.” — Rod Khleif

💬 “The commercial real estate space is a team sport [...] And so you have to network.” — Rod Khleif

💬 “I would become very knowledgeable about short sales and workouts to be able to capitalize on the foreclosures that are there already looming right now.” — Rod Khleif

💬 “Don't talk to me about value, just focus on cash flow.” — Rod Khleif


Rod Khleif’s Link Tree:

Lifetime Cash Flow Podcast:

Multifamily Bootcamp: