During Episode 110 of the HyperFast Agent Podcast, you’ll hear Craig Ballantyne, author, business coach, and millionaire-maker share how to gain more sales and followers on your way to becoming a social media influencer at the 2019 HyperFast Sales Summit. He shares how you can overcome your fears about creating content for social media and provides practical advice for making money by starting conversations online. Listen to hear actionable tips for mastering your social media strategy in 2020.
Episode Highlights:
- Craig Ballantyne used to label himself as an introvert and says he had severe social anxiety.
- He shares his story to remind the audience that anyone can get great at social media.
- We all have our excuses not to make videos online.
- Keri Shull has leveraged video into a great life, more money, an amazing team, amazing events. You need to do that too.
- Your voice is not a good excuse. The way you look is not a good excuse. Not liking technology or social media is not an excuse either.
- Craig wants to make social media unscary for you.
- His advice applies to all social media platforms.
- It's simply about getting people into conversations, because that's how you generate business.
- Swipe up has very little to do with actually making money on Instagram.
- Go through and look at all of your posts through the VPS filter.
- First, everything must be valuable to the other person.
- People are not going to like or comment on your stuff if it's not valuable to them.
- Next, your content must be purposeful. It must move your followers or fans closer to doing business with you.
- He's not there to look at other people's stuff.
- Finally, every single post you make must be shareable. If it's not valuable, it's not going to be shareable.
- Your main Instagram feed is like the window of a Louis Vuitton store.
- Instagram Stories is where you sell.
- Instagram is used to manufacture celebrity and elevate status.
- Everything in life is easier when you are more famous.
- People want to be associated with celebrity. You can manufacture celebrity too.
- It's being you, but being the best version of you.
- Craig shares how to optimize your profile.
- Get a really great profile picture.
- Be very descriptive and specific about what you do.
- Make sure you tell them what to do next.
- You want to inspire curiosity.
- Always tell people to send you a code word in the DM. This will tell you where to start going with the next conversation.
- Social media is about personal connection. Corporate logo stuff isn't good.
- Do way more video because video accelerates the know/love/trust factor.
- Craig walks through a live edit of an agent's Instagram profile.
- You can't sell homes with pictures of fries and kombucha.
- Make pictures valuable by putting text over them.
- A picture of Craig standing on the stage brings no value and no joy to your life. But adding the right quote can make that picture valuable.
- You want to be the Oprah of your business.
- Other people can upload videos and create content for your business on Canva.
- Hire someone to manage your social media. This can be very affordable.
- More videos should go up on your main feed.
- Use social proof in your videos.
- In these social proof videos ask clients where they were before you met, why they chose you, what the results were, and who they would recommend this for. This allows you to create very simple videos with huge impact.
- Once a week Craig does a blunt post. All they do is issue a call to action to their audience.
- If you don't bluntly remind people of what you do, you won't get into the conversations that then turn into conversions.
- Include credibility in your profile.
- Include something very valuable as soon as possible in the video.
- Say your name, who you are, and who you help.
- Enter the conversation in the prospect's mind.
- Craig provides his script for handling DMs.
- His first bubble is thanking them for connecting. In the second bubble, he asks them to tell him their biggest business goals and obstacles.
- Video accelerates the relationship.
- He tells them he's 100% confident that he can help them.
- When people do send you a message, don't worry if they disappear. They may not be using social media as often as you do.
- Go out there and use these techniques to generate leads.
3 Key Points:
1. Anyone can overcome their fears to master social media.
2. Run every piece of content through the VPS filter. It must be valuable, purposeful, and shareable.
3. Create video content regularly. Video accelerates connection.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I know people are judging me every single time I make a video, but that can't stop me.” – Craig Ballantyne
- “It's simply about getting people into conversations, because that's how you generate business.” – Craig Ballantyne
- “I don't use social media. I use business media." – Craig Ballantyne
- “You attract people that you share those little snippets of your life with.” – Craig Ballantyne
- “If you don't bluntly remind people of what you do, you won't get into the conversations that then turn into conversions.” – Craig Ballantyne
Resources Mentioned:
The Five Love Languages (book)