Show Notes

With over three decades of experience building a portfolio of more than a thousand properties, Van Sturgeon knows all about long term investing. He has acquired rental properties and flipped houses while also starting a successful general contracting business to service his passion for renovations and construction. As a real estate entrepreneur, he has refined his own system for leveraging property investments to maximize real estate cash flow. 

Listen to Dan and Van as they discuss the following topics:

•  Building an investment portfolio 

•  The fundamentals of property rehab

•  Successful tactics for agents

•  Developing continuous growth 

Don’t miss this one of a kind discussion between two highly successful real estate investors. 

Quotes to Share

💬 Money is always made on the buy, and finding and acquiring property is extremely important in that aspect.  

– Van Sturgeon

💬 I've always been a person that chases after cash flow, not property appreciation.

– Van Sturgeon

💬 There's really a system associated with a successful renovation where you don't overspend on your budget, you avoid bad contractors, and you raise the value of your property.

– Van Sturgeon

💬 What separates you from the rest of the pack is extremely important. And that's the differentiator between a successful real estate agent and one who's not.

– Van Sturgeon

Resources Mentioned

Van Sturgeon’s website: